We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning then to go forward does not get you any nearer, If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that cease the man who turns back the soonest is the most progressive man. We have all seen this in arithmetic. When I have started a sum the wrong way, the sooner I admit this and go back and start again, the faster i shall get on. There is nothing progressive about being pig headed and refusing to admit a mistake. a And I think if you look at the present state of the world, it is pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistake. we are on the wrong road. And if that is so, we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on. 28-29
Progress is not only changing, but changing for the better
When you have reached your own room, be kind to those who have chosen different doors and those who are still in the hall. If they are wrong they need your prayers all the more and if they are your enemies then you are under orders to pray for them. that is one of the rules common in the house.
If you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all the other religions are simply wrong all through. If you are an atheist you do not have to believe that the main point in all the religions of the whole world is simply one huge mistake. If you are a Christian, you are free to think that all those religions, even the queerest ones, contain ant least some hint of the truth.
But, of course, being a Christian does not mean thinking that where Christianity differs from other religions, Christianity is right and they are wrong. As in arithmetic- there is only one right answ2er to a sum, and all other answers are wrong; but some of the wrong answers are much nearer being right than others.
There is no sense in asking the multiplication table to let you off when you do syour sums wrong, You are bound to get the wrong answer. And it is no use either saying that if there is a God of that sort - an impersonal absolute goodness - then you do not like Him and are not going to bother about Him. For the trouble is that one part of you is on His side and really agrees with his disapproval of human greed and trickery and exploitation. You may want Him to make an exception in your own case, to let you off this one time; but you know at the bottom that unless the power behind the world really and unalterably detest that sort of behavior, then He cannot be good.
On the other hand, we know that if there does not exist na absolute goodness it must hate most of what we do,. this is the terrible fix we are in. If the universe is not governed by an absolute goodness, then all our efforts are in the long run hopeless. BUt if it is, then we are making ourselves enemies to that goodness every day, and are not in the least likely to do any better tomorrow. We cannot do without it, and we cannot do with it.
Goodness is either the great safety or the great danger - according to the way you react to it. and we have reacted the wrong way.
Selfishness has never been admired.
You can think of all actions as keys on the piano. all are right or wrong at one time or another.
You cannot be more right or wrong than another unless there is a true Right and Wrong.
In religion, as in war and everything else, comfort is the one thing you cannot get by looking for it. If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end: if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth - only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin with and, in the end, despair.
Your religion is not the only good one. There are truths in all of them. Find them.
(speaking of death) The pain you feel now was once balanced by someone's joy when that baby was born.
He had all the attributes of a man, but seemed to be something greater.
Life is what happens to us when we are making other plans
Goodness is always itself. Badness is only spoiled goodness; that is why the devil is the fallen angel.
In fact, it needs a good man to repent. and here comes the catch. Only a bad person needs to repend: only a godo person can repend perfectly. The worlse you are the more you need it and the less you can do it. The only person who could do it perfectlky would be a perfect person - and he woudl not need it.
To what will you look for if you will not look to that which is stronger than yourself?
Christians are the physical organism through which Christ acts. (So I gotta add myself, are you a muscle or an appendix? haha)
God is going to invade, all right... It will be too then to choose your side. There is no use saying you chose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing: it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realized it before or not.
Now today, this moment, is our chance to chose the right side,. God is holding back to give us that chance, It will not last forever. We must take it or leave it.
A Conscience is like a moral machine - if you don't use it properly it will break.
The human race is like an orchestra - there are two ways of erring. One is when human individuals drift apart from one another. The other is when things go wrong inside the individual.
We are to have a child's heart, but a grown ups head.
People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.
There is no ending that is not also a beginning.
Happy makes the world go around.
The best thing to do behind someone's back is pat it.
If your heart can perceive it and your mind can believe it, then your hands can achieve it.
Don't dream your life, life your dreams.
The Platinum Rule : treat others as they should be treated as sons and daughters of God.
Good people know about good and evil. Bad people don't know a whole lot about either.
You understand sleep when you are awake, not while you are sleeping. You can see mistakes in arithmetic when your mind is working properly: while you are making them you cannot see them. You can understand the nature of drunkenness when you ar sober, not when you are drunk. Good people know about both good and evil: bad people do not know about either.
A real desire to believe all the good you can of others and to make others and comfortable as you can will solve the most problems
When people break the rule of propriety current in their own time and place, if they do so in order to excite lust in themselves or other, then they are offending against chastitty. But if they break it through ignorance or carelessness they are guilty only of bad manners. When, as often happens, they break it defiantly in order to shock or embarrass others, they are not necessarily being unchaste, but they are being uncharitable: for it is uncharitable to take pleasure in making other people uncomfortable.
Never mind. After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up, and try again.
A cold, self-righteous prig who goes regularly to church may be far nearer to hell than a prostitute. But, of course, it is better to be neither.
- These are from a book I had to read in school about a Native American boy.
The world, even the smallest parts of it, is filled with things you don't know.
It's not weather you win or lose, it's how you play the game.
The quality of aman's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor.
"I suppose it hasd something to do with confidence. I mean, I'd always been the lowest Indian on the reservation totem pole - I wasn't expected to be good so I wasn't. But in Rearden, my coach adn the otehr players wanted me to be good. They needed me to be good. They expected me to be good. and so aI became good
I wanted to live up to expecations.
I guess that's what it comes down to.
The power of expectations.
As they expected mroe of me, I expected more of myself, and it just grew and grew until I was scoring twelve points a game - AS A FRESHMAN. It was crazy"
- Other random good quotes
Know, be, DO!
It's not self confidence - but confidence in God.
Sometimes the best things in life are so simple, but they're the hardest to understand.
What do we do with our testimony if we can't share it with others?
- Conference
Discipleship is a journey, not a spectator sport.
This is a race of endurance.
It's worth it!
His warmth is as the sunshine at midday :D
Making Christ the center of our life is what will make us victorious
Be optimistic.
The future is as bright as our faith.
You can't be a lifesaver if you look like all the other swimmers on the beach.
We are all entitled to our crown - we are princess and princesses of a Heavenly King :D
Our lives depend upon the decisions that we make - our decisions determine our destiny.
A successful person is someone who can kneel down at night say Lord, this is what I did today, I did my best. Help me do better tomorrow.
We are literally saviors when we do missionary work.
- More quotes from institute and such
Don't worry about who you are or who you're with - Do the Lord's work. -Stolen from Mike's notebook haha
Nothing trumps the spirity.
Jesus was an outward turner. He turned to others when he was in trouble.
When you dig a pit for your neighbor, you usually fall in
A man with a weakness is a man you can make money from. A man with a weakness is a man Satan can make sin.
The more evil a people become, the more they associate cowardace with bravery.
Heavenly Father only does things for our good.
You must be willing to act on the revelation you recieve, otherwise don't ask for it.
Welp... there's a lot of stuff I may elaborate on later. But I'm way sick of doing this even though it makes me happy and stuff.. I'm just sick of sitting here.
Love you all!
Yay! I love all of those! I've been wanting to read Mere Christianity for a long time but haven't gotten around to it. Now I want to read it even more. I love C.S. Lewis! And Conference, and Instititute, and everything else, hahaha.
hey well i just purchased it online so you can borrow it from me :D
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