Monday, January 26, 2009


This is the easiest way of updating... this one i wrote jan 7

The Motab thing ended up being so awesome! I got to perform for over 80,000 people plus, oh, ya know, THE PROPHET! And uchtdorf! It was SO incredible! Brian Stokes Mitchell (the singing voice of the main guy in Prince of Egypt and the original singer of “The Impossible Dream”) and Edward Herman (the grandpa in Gilmore Girls and a whole bunch of other cool stuff… they’re both apparently really famous but I never knew the names of either of them before) So it ended up being incredible! And I made lots of friends! To the left is some of the funnest girls I know and on the right is me with the choreographer :D

But there was a problem within the show… on the way to the Sunday performance…

MELEA!!!!! Yup… I got in a wreck. I slipped on the snow, did a 290 and hit the back of my car on the middle wall on I 15. and it was really stupid of me because my mom warned me a billion times! Drive SLOW! And I really thought I was because people were passing me right and left, and I know you’re not supposed to turn the wheel or push down on the breaks but… my instincts totally took over. Plus I think I got arrogant… I was like “Oh I’m serving the Lord, I won’t get in an accident on the way down…” Seriously, I did… I’m an idiot. But now after THREE AND A HALF WEEKS of being in the shop, melea is back with me and looking better than ever! Yay for insurance… boo for deductables

Christmas was AMAZING! I won’t even tell you everything I got because to be frank, I’m embarrassed with how blessed I am… But I’ll tell you about my favorite present…

MY PUPPY BEBE! i have pictures of her.. which are on my other computer so i don't want to go down there now...

She’s the cutest dog in the whole wide world! Well… close to it at least! I really love having her around because as hard as it may be to believe… and even harder, and possibly embarrassing, for me to tell you is that I’ve had a really hard time making friends at the U. The only people that seem super excited to talk to me are guys… and I’m SO not interested in ANYONE (weird huh?) right now so I just… never call or text them back… I know that’s kind of rude but ya. And its really hard to make girl friends because they’re all already settled in their little groups. So basically, I don’t really have any friends right now, (or they live far away… My best girl friend Taylor Custer lives in Denver, and my sis Mindy just moved to Washington DC with her hubby) but I’m really ok because I know what matters most and it’s actually drawn me a lot closer to my Savior because unlike so many people, he’ll ALWAYS be there for me.
But Bebe is the best dog ever too! Not only is she cute, but she just follows me around, cuddles with me when I sleep, and just loves to be around me – she’s exactly what I need right now and I love her SOOOOO much!

Coming up now, I’m going to be going back to school the 12th (yuck) but my classes are actually really great. I got a 4.0 this last semester so when I transfer to the Y it should be a full ride! I’m pretty sure I’m going to be joining the institute choir this year that will BE SINGING IN GENERAL CONFERENCE! It’s sad because that means I have to miss my (LDS) sorority, but I think I’ll survive. I’m also starting dancing on another dance company that is at Clayton. It should be fun; however, not near as challenging as my other company.

That’s pretty much what’s going on in my life right now, but it’s not really what’s shaping me. I’d like to tell you now about what is actually important!

I have so many things that I’ve learned and I wish I could tell you all of it, but I know you’re busy so I’ll just tell you the most important things!
My life has changed A TON this past year and my priorities have been turned totally around and college is just WAY different than high school… I used to talk on the phone every night as I went to bed (yes I fell asleep on the phone every night for like 2 years!) , now I listen to inspirational talks.
I used to try to impress people by telling them how much I’ve accomplished so they’d be my friends, but it had the opposite effect (my mom even called me the walking resume.) But now I’m a true believer in the fact that “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” My whole life now is based on building others up, I know who I am well enough to not need others to do that.
I’ve also taken into account (I’ve changed the wording a little bit from Sister Dew, but it works for me) “No amount of time spent in front of the mirror will make you as beautiful as having the holy ghost.” I used to want to look cute to impress people – especially boys. But now that I’ve put that on my mirror (Along with my other fav “Have I received his image in my countenance” [thank you brother smith freshman year!]) I read it every day and realized that that’s what’s actually important, being beautiful before the Lord… I think that’s another big reason why I’m so not interested in anyone right now too, I don’t need a boy to know who I am! I know that sounds so silly, but I’ve struggled with that fact the my whole life! This is the first time I’ve been completely single since like sixth grade and I’m LOVING IT! It’s really helped me to focus on what I really need

Here’s some things that i've learned/quotes

• It’s incredible how much missions change so many of the boys around me, makes me so much more grateful for those who have been preparing their whole life instead of just starting to think about it when they turn 18.
• More important than what you learn to do (as a missionary) is who you are; you can make a bigger impact being an example than a teacher.
• People do not join this church because of what they know. They join it because of what they feel and see
• Nobody is ever condemned for their sings. We are only condemned because we won’t leave them
• The path of least resistance makes men and rivers crooked
• The only scripture some people get is your life? What are they reading in you?
• Stand tall – even if you have to stand alone
• God did not put us here to fail – but to succeed and become like Him
• We’re not asking for perfection – the work of the Lord is done by ordinary people in an extraordinary way
• Forget yourself and go to work!
• If you’re used to getting your way every time – get over it!
• One of the greatest secrets to missionary work is work
• Nobody is perfect – love them anyway
• Don’t make yearly resolutions, make daily goals
• This one stands true in Cali (prop 8) In a story my teacher told us some gay men were complaining because they wanted “God to accept them as they are.” We’re asking them to “accept Him as He is.”… that one sounded way better in the story
• One person with God is a majority
• “I’ve never seen Jesus face to face, but I’ve met men who have”
• We have no time for contention. We only have time to be about our father’s business
• If we live on the Lord’s side of the line the adversary has no power.
• There are no short cuts to anywhere worth going
• A half hearted effort is not an effort at all.

I love you all! another should be up later tonight!

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