Ok, so no, I didn't come home to any honey... but I AM home!
And I am LOVING being a missionary here at home!
I can't put a lot of my experiences up because they're personal to people I am around all the time now, but I will share some quick ones with ya'll.
I love working with the Elders and coming to lessons with them!
I've been able to help with one man, Robert, in our singles ward. He's now baptized and I'm so happy for him!
I got to go to General Conference with the Elders and an investigator, Jimmy. Really nice kid! I know he can turn his life around!
A quick note from my journal to explain my feelings:
Oct 21, 2012
Today was one of the happiest days of my life. I invited this guy Amos to church and to temple square and he actually CAME! He is from Liberia (which is near ghana) and I was stoked! Ahhhh he says he's not interested in being baptized, but he loves our faith and what we teach and wants to come to church with us once a month :)
So how did I meet Amos? at Smith's! Missionary work is so easy! People want to hear more about us, all we have to do is open our mouths!
I have a good friend who is coming back to church and she is also doing awesome (she went inactive for 6 years and now is coming back) it is so rewarding to see the changes she is making! She used to be so sad all the time, and now she is happy more and more! I love her so much!
One of the things I really love about it is how much my ward is supporting her! At ward prayer, when we were thinking about who needed prayers, one of the girls said shouted out my friend's name1! OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WARD ARE SUPPORTING HER! I am so happy.
One of the girls from my home wards' moms also asked me to help out and make sure her daughter has friends, problem is she lives far away. I feel so bad. I wish I could help everyone. But I've realized if I really focus on helping just a few people, I really can make a big difference in peoples lives. I dont have to change and help THE WHOLE WORLD. I just have to change a few peoples WHOLE WORLDS. It really makes a huge difference.
and I love my life!
more posts to come!
love ya'll!
Stace Face
He gets good looks from his mom, his stinkyness from his dad, and his super powers from his aunt!
Me and my friend Marie
RS Witch's night out!
One of the best days of my life! Lagoon with my best friend Nelson!